Thursday, May 23, 2013

It's been awhile...but, I've gained control!

It's been awhile since I've written anything on my blog. What happened? Life. I've gained control of my life, from the budget, the husband, and the kids. I've decided I want to write more about food- what happens in my kitchen-and about anything and everything that happens here.

As my oldest daughter enters Kindergarten this fall, I'll have three hours five days a week to spend with my son alone.What will we do? Play? Read? Housework? God only knows! We're still a one car family, so if its not nearby, then we're out of luck. That's the joy of living in the 'burbs.

In order to get ahead, I had my stepdad help me figure out some goals.
1. I want to "flip" a house in the near future.
2. Have my own darn income. Now this hasn't worked for my photography business, blog, or cake decorating hobby, so this is hard to actually do unless you strive for perfection-which I have not.
3. Lose Weight. One of the easiest things anyone can do. I'll explain in a different post.

Now that I've gained control, can you handle it?

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