Friday, November 9, 2012


Everyone seems to like waffles. Me? Eh, they're okay. The good thing about them is their not made with much sugar although the flour content is pretty high. Then there's the syrup: a corn syrup artery clogging mess. Yuck. If you're going to eat syrup, you might as well buy the pure maple syrup. I typically add berries or jam on my waffles.

This morning I made the Betty Crocker version of waffles even though I had no cow's milk. Hubby doesn't know about using the soy milk, but I did add a splash of vanilla. He loves putting vanilla in his waffle batter which I don't really care for, but whatever. It hides the flour taste.

Hubby said they tasted just fine. He usually notices everything. Right now he's uploading Disney and Cars Land pictures so maybe he's just busy doing something else that he doesn't notice the difference? That's awesome since he can't stand non-dairy products.

Maybe next time I will substitute the all-purpose flour for whole wheat and the cow milk for almond milk. Maybe then the waffles will have some actual flavor to them without the waffles. Whole wheat flour is like wine in our house. It's an acquired taste. This family is too attached to the bland white flour. Time to shake things up and get back to healthy!

Thanks for reading!

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